Our Story

We see the phrase 'family business' thrown around a lot these days. At Crispy Carrot, we absolutely embody this term.
On any day of the week, you can walk into the store and see at least one of these gentlemen toiling away to bring you the best.
Sam (pictured middle), having had over 20 years' experience in the fruit and veg industry, took the reins of Crispy Carrot in 2016. He's a true people person who loves to build relationships with his customers. They're front of mind when he's at the Rocklea markets each morning, using his keen eye to spot the best produce to share with them.
His son Chris (left) shares his passion for quality fruit and veg. Always the first person in the door each morning, you'll find him cutting up a storm and making sure the avocado display is immaculate each and every day. Curious about where a piece of fruit was grown? Need a smaller piece of pumpkin than what's on the shelf? Chris has got you covered.
You won't see Chris' brother Emile (right) as often in the shop. When he's not at his day job as a software engineer, he'll probably be holidaying somewhere. Regardless, home Crispy Carrot is where the heart is. He'll usually still be found there on weekends, or working behind the scenes.